Services we offer

1 Art Classes

  1. we provide art beginner classes for those   you want to art there artistic journey.
  2. Advances classes  are those who want to refine there skills and want to learn advance techniques.
  3. Kid’s classes for fun learning and engaging  there kids in arts.

2 Art Date

  1. 1 owned art theme Birthday parties were guest can take there art piece to there home.
  2. Corporate workshop-to generate team spirit and unity we offer different fworkshops.

3 Art exhibition and sales

Showcase our art piece  in different art gallery. People can buy our  art spaces from art exhibition.

4 Commissioned Artwork

  1. Themed Artwork- Accourding to home decor  and furniture we custom our art work  that fits our needs.
  2. Customised Portaits- we provide custom portaits as custom required.
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